Thursday, July 14, 2011

Component of Classic Chair

Classic chair has a component which consists of backrest (chair back splat or veneered), cushion (seat), armrest (arm and arm support), the front legs (front legs),the hind legs (legs of the back), pillar backrest (back upright), crown or cross back over(top rail), and the crossbar seat (seat rails). If there is, under the horizontal bar or diagonal cross (X stretcher or frame), shoe back, and prop holder (angle block).

Characteristics of the classic chair style is marked by distinctive forms, thus becoming the main feature or standard the identity of each style. However, the shape of a chair on each style affect each other. Forms that can be distinguished primarily on the design backrest (chair back). Form the front legs (front legs), and the crown of the senator backrest bar (top rail). The sketches of backrest and front legs presented, most have adapted to the original design (based on standard).

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